Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds Choose the path of most resistance.
By Lewis Howes
This story originally appeared on Lewis Howes
Do you avoid challenging yourself? If you do, you're cheating yourself of reaching your full potential.
There is so much you can learn through pain. But, we want to avoid it. We want to stay in our comfort zone.
Growth, though, is found in the discomfort zone. You have to have the courage to face sickness, disappointment and discomfort.
That's why I'm so excited to share this conversation I had with someone who has mastered the art of using pain as a way to better himself: David Goggins.
Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL and is the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training (including two Hell Weeks), the U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as Enlisted Honor Man) and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training.
Goggins is indisputably one of the world's best endurance athletes. He has completed over 60 endurance races, regularly placing in the top five, and taken home first place several times.
Goggins says that if don't give yourself a way out, your body will figure out a way to persevere. We are capable of so much more than we know. Mental toughness isn't a class; it's a lifestyle.
Learn how to change your outlook on the "bad things" that happen to you and to be excited about what you can learn through hardship on Episode 715.