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You know about Type A and B personalities, but have you heard ofType M personalities? That's "M" for money--and whattype you are could say a lot about how you run your business.Psychologist Kathleen Gurney has studied the issue for 16 years andreveals nine money profiles in Your Money Personality: What ItIs and How You Can Profit From It (Doubleday).

"If you look at your money personality like a balancesheet, some of your traits work as assets, and some as liabilities.The trick is learning which to reinforce and which to shoreup," says Gurney, whose Incline Village, Nevada, FinancialPsychology Corp. helps people make their money work better.

Gurney's nine money personalities: safety players,entrepreneurs, optimists, hunters, achievers, producers,perfectionists, high rollers and money masters. Achievers, moneymasters and entrepreneurs are the three most common personalities,Gurney says.

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