NBA Star Mike Conley on Humility, Discipline and Getting Back Up Find out how this athlete preps for games, recovers from losses and keeps focused on what is most important to him.
By Lewis Howes Edited by Dan Bova
This story originally appeared on Lewis Howes
If you grew up or have lived in the U.S., you know what a big deal basketball is.
To make it into the NBA is extremely challenging. To win games consistently is even harder because the season is so long and the risk of injury is high. To make it to the top and land huge contracts is even harder because there's so much talent out there to compete with.
But Mike Conley Jr. has done all of this while being a husband, father, family man and overall great guy.
How does he do it?
That was just one reason I was excited to have him on The School of Greatness.
Mike grew up seeing what a champion looks like (his dad was an Olympic gold medalist), but he has learned on his own how to craft a personal formula for success.
In our conversation we talked about the simple but effective ways he preps for games, recovers from losses and keeps focused on what is most important to him.
I had a ton of respect for this guy before I interviewed him but I have even more after meeting with him.
I'm proud to bring you this Episode 430 with NBA star Mike Conley.
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