No Longer the Apple of the FB-Eye -- Start Up Your Day Roundup Trump is throwing shade at the pope right before the South Carolina primary, and Facebook and Twitter say, "I got your back" to Apple regarding Tim Cook's recent standoff with the FBI.
By Carolyn Sun
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Looking for the latest headlines in small business, innovation and tech? Our Start Up Your Day recaps are posted every morning to keep you current.
1. No longer the Apple of the FB-Eye
Apple's Tim Cook is refusing to comply with a court order to help the FBI break into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters. Apple's tech buddies, Facebook and Twitter have declared, "I've got your back, Apple."
Facebook issued this statement to USA Today:
"We condemn terrorism and have total solidarity with victims of terror. Those who seek to praise, promote, or plan terrorist acts have no place on our services. We also appreciate the difficult and essential work of law enforcement to keep people safe," the statement reads. "When we receive lawful requests from these authorities we comply. However, we will continue to fight aggressively against requirements for companies to weaken the security of their systems. These demands would create a chilling precedent and obstruct companies' efforts to secure their products."
2. Obama and Cuba
President Obama announced via tweet on February 19 that he's going to Cuba in March:
Next month, I'll travel to Cuba to advance our progress and efforts that can improve the lives of the Cuban people.
— President Obama (@POTUS) February 18, 2016
This will be the first time in 80 years a sitting president has visited Cuba, and the trip is part of Obama's overall push to hug it out with the communist country, including opening direct flight travel between the two countries and allowing U.S. businesses to engage with Cuba.
In related news, the U.S and Cuba recently sanctioned the first U.S. business since the revolution -- a tractor company -- to be built on Cuban soil. The business is slated to open in early 2017.
3. Trump vs. the Pope
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian," said Pope Francis about Donald Trump's immigration policy on wall-building and such on a return trip from Mexico, igniting a verbal smackdown from Trump who was in South Carolina rallying support before the primary.
In turn, Trump called the Pope's words "disgraceful" and added something to the effect of when ISIS comes raging on the Vatican's door, "the pope would only wish and have prayed that Donald Trump would have been elected president."
This could be Trump's way of saying he doesn't need the Pope's approval to win the Feb. 20 primary.
4. Shake Shack on Delta
"If someone had told me a few years ago that we'd be serving our food on an airline, I would have said over my dead body," said Shake Shack CEO Danny Meyer to the New York Times.
Airplane food isn't exactly known for its enticing qualities, but the New York Times reported that Meyer -- who runs Union Square Hospitality Group which owns Blue Smoke, Gramercy Tavern and Union Square Cafe -- has teamed up with Delta Airlines to up the game of international airline food starting March 1.
Now fliers of of all international first-class flights out of JFK can enjoy some foodie grub.
5. Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue
It's on newsstands. Yep.
Check the site for our roundup of the most entrepreneurial models to emerge from the pages of Sports Illustrated.