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Rate Your Sales Ability Find out how you fare when it comes to selling your product or service.

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Do you feel perfectly at ease talking to potential customersabout your products or services? Or, like some of us, do youtremble at the thought of making the approach? You can find outjust where you fall on the super salesperson scale by reading thefollowing statements and rating yourself on a comfort scale of 1 -4, with 1 being the statement you're least comfortable withsaying and 4 being the most.

1. I believe the product or service I'm offering will trulyhelp my customers.
2. I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to tellpotential customers about my product or service.
3. I know my product inside and out and can demonstrate it withouta problem.
4. I can convincingly explain the advantages of my product over mycompetitors'.
5. I have thought of all the possible questions potential customerscould ask me about my product and have developed answers to thosequestions.
6. I've compared my competitors' prices and priced myproduct competitively.
7. I know my product isn't for everyone, so I don't worrytoo much if a few customers turn me down.
8. I respect a customer's right to disagree with me anddon't take it personally.
9. I've planned ahead and have a written goal for eachweek's sales.
10. I learn all I can about sales and practice my techniques soI'll continue to improve.

Now add up your score and rate yourself according to thefollowing chart:

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