Denver-area McD Units Test DVD Rentals <b></b>
Oak Brook, Illinois-McDonald's Corp. is addingDVD rental machines to 104 restaurants in the Denver area as partof a test already in place on a smaller scale in fewer than 20locations in Washington, DC, and Las Vegas.
For the Denver pilot program, the machines will be locatedinside about 60 stores, and the remaining 40 will be outside therestaurant, allowing consumers to access them 24 hours a day, LisaHoward of McDonald's said. The installation of the rentaldevices, which are known as Redbox machines, is expected to becompleted by the end of June. The cost of renting a DVD will be $1a day plus tax, and new movies will be added about once a week. Themachines only accept credit cards for payment. -Nation'sRestaurant News