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Field Of Dreams You don't have to be Mark McGwire to score big in sports. Here's how you can hit a home run with a sports event franchise.

By Laura Tiffany

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In high school, you were on the football team, yet nowyou're sitting behind a desk wearing a suit. While shufflingpaperwork, you pray for weekends and calculate whether a 7-ironwill make the 14th hole. You had thought about a career in sports,but that seemed about as likely as becoming a rock star, so youopted for an MBA program.

Sound familiar? If so, it's high time you ditched the 9-to-5life and returned to the world of team sports because, even if youdon't play like Jordan, you can still make a career out of yourlove of sports. There may only be a few Jerry Maguires out there,but there are countless amateur enthusiasts waiting for someonelike you to organize and guide their events.

With so many people stuck indoors during their working hoursonly to go home and watch TV after work, amateur athletes areitching to breathe fresh air and enjoy the camaraderie and friendlycompetition of team sports. "There's nothing better thansports to reduce the stresses and tensions of everyday life,personally and professionally," says Mike May of the SportingGoods Manufacturers Association. "We need physical release tobring balance to our lives, and that's where sports comein."

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