Why You Should Never Work Just For Money Many people think if they earn enough money to buy expensive cars, clothes, electronics and other things, they will be happy. Nevertheless, they forget this one important thing.
This story originally appeared on Personal Branding Blog
People work to earn money and make a living. That is the reality. If we don't earn money, we cannot fulfill our basic needs such as shelter, food and clothing. However, you shouldn't let money control you. Otherwise, you can never find happiness and satisfaction.
The trouble today is that most people work in jobs that they don't like just to earn money. They think if they earn enough money to buy expensive cars, clothes, electronics and etc., they will be happy. Nevertheless, they forget one thing. Money can't buy happiness.
I am a supporter of following your passion and earning money through doing what you like. If not, you can come across with the following problems at some point in your life.
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1. You will never make enough money.
Even if you are the highest paid employee for your level in your company, you will still feel underpaid. Therefore, you will always complain about your paycheck and talk about how someone else is paid much more although you deserve that payment. As a result, you will be unhappy and unsatisfied.
2. Frequently job hopping.
Since you are not happy and feel underpaid, you will want to look at other companies that you think pay more. Hence, you will find yourself job hopping frequently. At first, you can be happy for a little while because you will meet with new people and it is a new environment. Nevertheless, once you get used to it, the charm will go away and you will find yourself looking at job posts again unless this new job is your true passion in life.
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3. Have more debt.
Once you graduate from college and get a job, you will work to pay off your loans. Then, you probably want to buy a house. As a result, you will end up with a mortgage that lasts for years and you have to work to pay off that mortgage. On top of this, you have to keep your life style and buy the newest smart phone or go to Europe for vacation. As you can see, you will be confident in your spending because you believe you can pay them later. This can soon become a vicious cycle where you get your paycheck and use it to pay interest on your debt. As a result, you will get stuck on your high-paying job that you don't like because it is the only solution to pay-off your debt.
4. Become a slave to money.
As you can understand from step #3, after a while, money starts controlling you as opposed to you control money and therefore, you find yourself becoming a slave for money. Don't forget that money is not the most important thing in the world. Therefore, don't put money in the center of your life. Go for what keeps you alive and excites you in life.