Get Your Business Into Recovery Mode Now Join author Mark W. Johnson as he explores adjacent businesses and capabilities needed to meet the new normal of your business when we get to the other side.
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Login to continue Create an accountOriginally aired May 26, 2020
During this session, Mark W. Johnson, author of Lead From The Future will explore how to:
- Make time for visionary thinking, even during a crisis
- Set a new time horizon; six, twelve, or eighteen months out to discuss how this crisis might affect your organization
- Walk each vision back to the present, by deciding on a set of long-term, mid-term, and immediate steps that your organization can begin to implement today
- Rally your team around your vision by developing an inspiring, purposeful and hopeful narrative
- Decide what your core business will look like by answering: What will we keep doing? What should we stop doing? What should we start doing?
- Explore adjacent businesses and capabilities needed to meet the new normal of your business when we get to the other side
- Form two teams; a transformational leadership group and an innovation team to help move the plan along and develop the needed initiatives
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