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Put A Lid On It If your employees work outside the office, beware: Your competitors <i>are </i>watching.

By Chris Penttila

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Wander into any public space, and you're sure to see peopletaking care of business. Whether it's waiting for a flight,eating lunch or standing in line for a latte, employees are workingon the run. It's a common sight in today's fast-pacedbusiness world, no matter where you are.

But are employees and CEOs alike aware of the dangers ofdivulging private company information in public spaces, especiallyin a burgeoning wireless culture that lets us work from anywherewith increasing ease? While technology makes employees moreefficient, it also creates new ways for them-whether it's via acell phone or over a laptop with print in screaming 20-pointtype-to unintentionally divulge sales figures, the details of adifficult client meeting or even product specs and tradesecrets.

If you think that not being a Fortune 500 or Nasdaq company letsyou off the hook, think again, says Naomi Fine, president of SanLeandro, California-based Pro-Tec Data, which helps companiesdevelop strategies for protecting their intellectual property.According to Fine, "The risk can be larger for small companiesbecause one loose lip can sink the whole company."

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