Your Daily Sales Plan Our Sales Expert shows you how to increase sales by the hour.
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Q: What's atypical day like in the life of a new small-business owner?
A: I receive thisquestion from many new business owners. There are certain routinetasks entrepreneurs need to accomplish every day. However, theproblem some new owners have is the tasks they're performingmay not be getting them closer to building a successful business.Entrepreneurs who succeed are focused on completing a specificdaily sales plan. Modify the following plan to fit your businessprospects-then watch your business grow. Here's a look atthe entrepreneur's daily plan for success:
5 a.m. Wake up, exercise andeat a healthy breakfast. Entrepreneurs are in training just likeathletes preparing for the Olympics. You need to be in good mentaland physical shape, so start your day in a healthy way.
6 a.m. Shower, dress andreview your daily plan. Remember, the early bird catches theworm.
6:45-7:45 a.m. Drive to theoffice. Listen to sales training tapes to get in a selling mood.(If you're homebased or live close to your office, beginbusiness development immediately.)
8-10 a.m. Businessdevelopment time. (Like exercise, you need to get prospecting outof the way early. Long term, you'll be glad you did.) If youhave salespeople, this is the time to make sure they'reprospecting. Note: Most new business owners can't afford tohire a salesperson right off the bat. That's OK: Doing ityourself gives you the opportunity to perfect the art ofprospecting. Then when your budget permits, you'll have thenecessary experience and skills to train your growing salesforce.
Here are some prospecting options to try: Stuff mailers andwrite personal notes.
Write e-mails toleads or prospects from a targeted list.
Makelong-distance calls. Some businesses on the West Coast start theirprospecting calls at 6 a.m.
Follow up onleads.
If you musthandle all your incoming calls, learn to do two things at once, sowhen you're not speaking directly with a call-in or walk-incustomer, you're focused on any of the above options.
10:45 a.m.-1 p.m. Recruitinginterviews. If you're building a sales team, scheduleappointments in this time slot. No luncheon appointments,particularly on the first interview. Eat lunch alone and don'twaste time.
1-4 p.m. Plan A: Visit yourterritory of prospects. If you're training salespeople, takethem out in the territory and show them how to introduce themselvesand get a toe in the door.
Plan B: If you've completed your visits for the week, usethis time to check your books and make sure you're in closetouch with your spending, expenses and balances. As soon as you cansign up for online banking, do it. But never lose track of yourbooks. Business development and keeping an eye on the books are anew entrepreneur's two key priorities.
4-6 p.m. Answer phone calls,read mail and play catch-up for the day. Review your sales plan fortomorrow. Be sure you complete all necessary cycles of activity soyou can leave your desk clean and ready for a new day.
Danielle Kennedy is an authority on selling, developing apeak performance attitude and winning customers for life. Call herat (800) 848-8070 or visit for information onconsulting for your business.
The opinions expressed in this column arethose of the author, not of All answers areintended to be general in nature, without regard to specificgeographical areas or circumstances, and should only be relied uponafter consulting an appropriate expert, such as an attorney oraccountant.