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How to Win Black Friday and Cyber Monday This Year with AI As Black Friday and Cyber Monday continue to break sales records, businesses must use every tool available to stand out in the market. This article explores how AI-driven strategies can enhance personalization, streamline operations and drive revenue across channels during BFCM.

By Johnny Hughes Edited by Micah Zimmerman

Key Takeaways

  • AI-driven personalization can dramatically boost customer engagement, helping businesses stand out during Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM).
  • AI-powered demand forecasting and inventory management ensure you're prepared for the high volume of BFCM sales, minimizing stockouts and missed opportunities.
  • Omnichannel integration with AI creates seamless, connected experiences across platforms, driving higher conversions and customer satisfaction.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have evolved far beyond the crowded storefronts and long checkout lines of the past. With a record-breaking $12.4 billion in U.S. online spending on Cyber Monday alone in 2023, ecommerce is now the dominant player. To thrive in this hyper-competitive market, businesses must be smarter, faster and more customer-centric.

Enter AI: a tool that can transform how you approach BFCM by automating processes, improving personalization, and predicting trends.

Let's explore how AI can power your BFCM strategy, giving you an edge in maximizing sales, boosting customer loyalty, and ensuring smooth operations throughout the holiday rush.

1. Elevate customer experience with hyper-personalization

AI's ability to analyze massive amounts of data in real-time enables businesses to personalize every aspect of the customer journey. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all marketing. With AI, you can create highly targeted campaigns that speak directly to your customer segments, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Imagine sending personalized product recommendations based on browsing history, past purchases, and even current trends. These AI-generated suggestions make customers feel understood, leading to higher cart values and repeat purchases. For instance, using AI-driven platforms like Bloomreach, businesses can segment audiences into meaningful groups and automatically adjust marketing strategies based on evolving behaviors and preferences. According to Shopify, companies prioritizing the customer experience outperform those that don't 80% of the time, making personalization crucial for success. This is especially valuable when fighting for attention during BFCM, where tailored experiences can set your brand apart.

Related: Black Fridays Sales Hit Record Highs – But Can Consumers Afford It?

2. Predict demand and manage inventory efficiently

One of the biggest challenges during Black Friday and Cyber Monday is predicting demand. Running out of stock means lost sales while overstocking leads to excess inventory costs. AI takes the guesswork out of this balancing act by leveraging historical data, real-time market trends and external factors like economic conditions to forecast demand with precision.

AI-powered platforms monitor purchasing patterns, website traffic, and even social media activity to predict which products will fly off the shelves. Retailers like Mayborn Group have used AI to predict demand shifts during Black Friday, allowing them to stock the right products in the right quantities. By integrating AI into your inventory management systems, you can ensure you're always prepared without overcommitting resources.

3. Orchestrate seamless omnichannel experiences

Today's shoppers interact with brands across multiple platforms — from websites and social media to mobile apps and in-store visits. AI ensures these interactions are cohesive, personalized, and optimized for retention at every touchpoint. By connecting all your channels, AI allows you to maintain a single, unified view of each customer, so their experience remains seamless no matter where they engage with your brand.

AI also plays a key role in retention marketing efforts, which are crucial for maximizing customer lifetime value. Repeat customers generate 300% more revenue than first-time shoppers, and while they only make up 21% of most brands' customer base, they account for 44% of total revenue. For example, a shopper browsing products on your website can later receive personalized ads on social media for the same items, followed by targeted email campaigns that encourage repeat purchases.

This kind of integration creates an omnichannel ecosystem where every customer touchpoint feels like part of an ongoing conversation, making it easier for shoppers to complete purchases and for businesses to nurture long-term relationships. Happy customers are the best fuel for growth — they leave positive reviews, generate referrals, and place recurring orders at a much lower cost than acquiring new customers. By leveraging AI to drive both first-time and repeat purchases, brands can significantly boost their BFCM sales and overall profitability.

Related: To Maximize Your Profits This Black Friday, You Need to Collect More Than Your Customers Dollars

4. Drive engagement with AI-powered chatbots

Black Friday and Cyber Monday bring many customers looking for instant support. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can scale your customer service efforts without overwhelming your team, ensuring no query goes unanswered. These AI tools efficiently handle common inquiries such as product availability, order tracking and returns, freeing your support team to focus on more complex or high-touch customer issues.

Beyond improving efficiency, AI-driven chatbots significantly enhance the customer experience. For example, they can provide personalized product recommendations or guide shoppers through the checkout process, helping to reduce cart abandonment and boost sales. According to Shopify, proactive live chat can even increase average order value by 10-15%, turning casual browsers into committed buyers.

With AI offering 24/7 support during peak shopping hours, your brand ensures that you never miss an opportunity to engage customers—even when human resources are stretched thin. By combining speed, personalization, and constant availability, AI-powered chatbots help optimize both customer satisfaction and revenue during the busiest shopping events of the year.

5. Supercharge marketing with predictive analytics

One of AI's most powerful applications during BFCM is predictive analytics. By analyzing customer data, AI can forecast behavior, helping you send the right marketing messages at the perfect time. Whether it's predicting when customers are most likely to engage or identifying which shoppers are at risk of churning, AI helps you proactively target the right people with the right offers.

To stay ahead of competitors during BFCM, platforms like Vantage Discovery offer powerful tools that harness predictive analytics, enabling businesses to analyze customer data and adjust marketing strategies in real time. With such tools, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are always relevant, timely, and effective—especially during peak sales periods.

Related: 5 Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Grow Sales All Winter Long

This BFCM, businesses that leverage AI will stand out by offering personalized experiences, optimizing inventory, and creating seamless omnichannel journeys. AI empowers you to not only meet but exceed customer expectations, ensuring your business thrives during the busiest shopping weekend of the year.

Johnny Hughes

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

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