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Back to Basics Want to create a strong sales foundation? Then keep these building blocks in mind.

By Barry Farber

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The start of a new year is the perfect time to review and renewthe foundations of selling. Successful salespeople understand thatthe "fun" comes after the fundamentals; once you have thebasics down, then you know the secret to success. Here are six waysto build the strongest foundation possible:

1. Never make assumptions. When I first started in sales,I remember driving by certain small businesses. I assumed that,because of their size, they would be a waste of my time. I wasgoing for the big guns. But the big guns didn't always pan out.When I went back to the smaller businesses, they often turned intomy biggest customers. That's why my philosophy is to live bythe numbers. The more calls you make, the more sales opportunitiesyou create. Sure, you need to qualify your prospects, but don'tget so caught up in qualifying that you lose out on the lessons youcan learn from simply making the calls.

2. Reach out after-hours. It's amazing how manypresidents and CEOs are at their desks at 6:30 p.m.-with noreceptionists to screen your call. Not only is it a greatopportunity to speak with the executive directly, he or she willmost likely appreciate the fact that you're still working afterbusiness hours as well.

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