The Dailies at SXSW, Part Two Talk about a tough slog. SXSW is replete with free rides via Chevy, free food from FedEx and can't miss side parties.
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Daily Entrepreneur
Peep Laja, CEO of Traindom, a company that helps you teach the world something new. Check out their site to learn how you can be the star of your own instructional video and then sell it to the world.
Why is SXSW a hotbed for entrepreneurs?
Fame! Everyone thinks they have to be here or they're going to miss their big break. Lots of pressure, Twitter.
What are you looking forward to most about SXSW?
Meeting cool people for collaboration. This is the perfect place for our business. Everyone is trying to train someone in something. That's our target audience.
What are your networking tactics?
The key is figuring out who you want to meet before you even get here. Then, you just have to find them. Twitter and Gowalla help. And you have to avoid the official parties. Too crowded. Too loud. Nothing happens there. Side parties are the secret to networking at SXSW.
To find out more about Traindom and Peep's outlook on international business by e-mailing him
Daily ShirtWhen it comes to today's shirt, it's more like the every-second-of-every-day shirt. You can't walk two steps without seeing a QR code -- two dimensional barcode -- scrawled across the back or chest of some optimistic upstart. The days of a name and logo are dead. Content is king.
Daily PromoWhat better way is there to show off cars than to chauffer some sweaty SXSW hitchhikers around the city? Chevy is becoming everybody's favorite means of transportation with their free fleet of Aveos, Malibus, Camaros and environmentally-friendly Volts.
Daily LineFor the small price of a "like," hungry SXSW attendees were treated to a free lunch by FedEx.