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Singular's commitment to its employer brand acknowledged at the Best Employer Brand Adria Awards 2023

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Singular, an international tech company and a brand of Flutter Entertainment, has received three awards at this year's Employer Brand Awards Adria 2023, which took place in Croatia's capital, Zagreb. This was the first time that Singular took part in the Adria Awards and won in the following categories: Best Employer Brand – External Communication, Best Employer Brand – Medium Companies, and Best Employer Brand Team.

"Ever since the beginning of Singular, we made it very clear that investing in our company culture is a priority and for that, we needed a top employer branding team who will understand our vision and bring it to life. These awards just show that we have the right people by our side, and I'm very proud of their accomplishment," says George Shamugia, Singular's Managing Director.

The Best Employer Brand Adria Awards are held annually, and they honour companies and individuals that made an exceptional contribution to the employer brand sector across different industries. The categories in which Singular was announced winner focus on different aspects, such as consistency and creativity of the internal and external communication, nurturing the company values as part of the employer brand activities, campaign results, but also, the key role that employee experience has in all of it.

"Being recognized with an Adria Award is a great acknowledgment of all the hard work that we put in building a strong employer brand because we truly believe that it benefits both the company and its people," says Sanata Chargazia, Head of HR & Employer Branding. "As a company that nurtures an employee-first culture, we aim to provide an exceptional work experience for everyone, and investing in our employer brand has played a significant role on our journey."

Over the years, Singular has undergone a significant transformation – from a start-up a decade ago to a global workplace nowadays, but no matter the organizational changes, company culture always remained a top priority and the team made sure that it was consistent with the employer brand.

What differentiates Singular's employer brand is the company's strategic approach and sharp focus on employee experience which give people an active role in shaping both the culture and the brand. Their positive feedback and collaboration further helped the company to build and maintain a strong brand presence even in uncertain times during the pandemic.

Singular's experience shows that to attract and retain top talent, companies must be willing to listen to their employees, implement suggestions, and see the employer brand as an investment that gives fruitful results only when you invest in it continuously. The level of commitment by Singular's employer branding team, as well as the success of their strategies and campaigns, gave the company a competitive edge and positioned it as one of the top tech companies in Georgia, Macedonia, and Malta.

For more information about Singular, the company culture, and job opportunities, check out: https://careers.flutterinternational.com/our-brands/singular/