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Take a Breather Can't seem to cut that monstrous to-do list down to size? Maybe it's time to relax, step back and regroup.

By Romanus Wolter

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

When you run your own business, December is usually the monthyou close your books and promise to establish positive habits forthe new year. Unfortunately, it's also the time of year whenyou're likely to join the ranks of the overwhelmed. You startthe day with good intentions to grow your business and attend toyour personal obligations, but at day's end, you may find youhave accomplished very little.

To stop becoming overwhelmed, first congratulate yourself onyour achievements. Then forgive yourself for what you haven'tfinished. Balance comes from not letting the magnitude of the workget the best of you.

To achieve success, planning is the ultimate tool for increasingproductivity and reducing stress. Move forward positively byworking smart with these steps:

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