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12 Ways to Smoothly Start Waking Up Earlier The point is to really get out of bed and get going. If you're just pounding the snooze button earlier, don't bother..

By John Boitnott Edited by Dan Bova

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You've likely read the studies saying that those who wake up earlier are more successful. You may even have set the goal to adjust your wake-up time, sure that an extra hour or two at the start of the day is all you need. But deciding to wake up early and actually follow through are two different things. If you'd like to test out the theory that an early start is the key to success, here are a few tips to help you get started.

1. Be smart with setting your alarm

The first key to waking up earlier is forcing yourself to take those first steps. Don't overthink it. Simply set your alarm for the time you want to wake up each day and force yourself away from the snooze button. If a traditional alarm is too abrupt, a gradual wake-up light alarm may be a more palatable option.

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