How to Be the Best Boss (Infographic) The most important thing you can do as a boss to keep talented staffers on board is to make sure they are enjoying their days and feel appreciated.
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Being a great boss means keeping your employees happy. The rest is gravy.
Maintaining their happiness isn't just important for morale -- it's important for your bottom line. Happy employees result in a more productive work environment, more satisfied customers and fewer workplace mistakes, according to an infographic compiled by human resources software company CIPHR.
Making employees happy doesn't necessarily mean paying them more money, either. While a raise surely has never actually upset anyone, it's not the only way to keep your employees feeling satisfied and engaged.
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For example, taking a minute to compliment your employees when they do good work will keep your team motivated, suggests this infographic from UK-based CIPHR. Another (free!) technique you can use to keep your staff happy is to make sure employees feel comfortable coming to talk to you. Keep your door -- literally and metaphorically -- open. And if an employee does seek your counsel, listen patiently, without acting frustrated.
For more on why it's important to keep your employees happy and tips on how to do that, have a look at the infographic below.
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