Vladimir Ninov on How Going the Extra Mile Has Made Him Successful Either give 110 percent of yourself or don't start at all.

In this series called Member Showcase, we publish interviews with members of The Oracles. This interview is with Vladimir Ninov, co-founder of Webcoin, a peer-to-peer social media exchange platform that pioneers the technological dawn of global marketing digitalization. It was condensed by The Oracles.
Who was your biggest influence growing up?
Vladimir Ninov: My father is my biggest influence. He has been my mentor, and I was very fortunate to learn countless life and business lessons from him that still serve me today. He once told me: "If you start a job or a business, either give 110 percent of yourself or don't start it at all." These words changed my life forever. Since then, I have followed his advice in both my personal life and business ventures.
Share an interesting fact about yourself that not many people would know.
Vladimir Ninov: I have a fear of heights. In August 2008, I flew to San Francisco and my brother took me from the airdrop straight to the drop zone in Lodi, California where I did my first skydiving jump.
What excites you the most about your business right now?
Vladimir Ninov: What excites me most is the opportunity to make a disruptive change in global digital marketing and advertising. I believe from the bottom of my heart that our platform is the first step toward the new global economy that will open the doors to all markets, including China.
What's your favorite quote and how do you apply it in your life?
Vladimir Ninov: The following quote by Steve Jobs inspires me to never give up and to invest in people: "I'm convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."
Steve Jobs's reference to perseverance inspired me to go to work early, stay late, make the extra phone call, send the extra email, and do the extra research on weekends. Every day, I think of one tiny extra thing I can do. Yes, going the extra mile on a daily basis can be a tough journey. It can also be a place filled with opportunities. Meeting the right people, getting to know them, and earning each other's trust is more valuable than it sounds. I believe that over time, this has transformed me to be successful in all my business ventures.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Vladimir Ninov: Don't let opportunities pass you by, and never give up. Work hard and smart for your dreams. If you truly believe in your goals and you work daily to achieve them, sooner or later, life-changing opportunities will present themselves. So, seize the moment. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll be wiser for it.
How do you define great leadership?
Vladimir Ninov: Like Napoleon Bonaparte once said: "A leader is a dealer in hope." I define great leadership as a person fully dedicated and inspired by an idea or a goal, who can spread their passion and energy within the team. The positive vibe is the differentiator for me.
How do you evaluate a good business deal?
Vladimir Ninov: To me, a good business deal occurs when both parties reach a mutually favorable agreement. This leads to both short- and long-term financial benefits. To evaluate a business proposal, I take into consideration a number of factors like the positive and negative aspects of the deal, and whether it will help improve our product, service, or brand name.
Which single habit gives you 80 percent of your results?
Vladimir Ninov: I never lose sight of my goals, and I never give up, no matter what. Regardless of whether people like my idea, I keep working on it until I succeed. I have been doing this for the past 10 years, and it has paid off for me so far.
What are you working on right now?
Vladimir Ninov: I am working on the beta version of a peer-to-peer social media exchange platform that will pioneer the dawn of global marketing digitalization. We plan to offer a revolutionary all-in-one solution that immensely reduces the cost of digital marketing and advertising services for sole proprietors, agencies, and corporations.
What is the most exciting question that you spend time thinking about?
Vladimir Ninov: For me, it is: How can I create the best possible all-in-one service that significantly reduces the cost of digital marketing and advertising services globally?