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Your Retirement Savings Won't Last If You Make These 3 Common Mistakes, Financial Advisor Warns Daniel Milan, investment advisor representative and managing partner at Cornerstone Financial Services, reveals how to safeguard your Golden Years.

By Amanda Breen Edited by Jessica Thomas

Key Takeaways

  • Nearly half of U.S. households had no retirement account savings in 2022.
  • Learn how to future-proof your retirement and ensure a tax-efficient cash flow.

Sixty percent of Americans across all generations worry they'll outlive their retirement savings, according to a recent survey from BlackRock. Unfortunately, those fears aren't unfounded, as almost half of U.S. households had no savings in retirement accounts in 2022, per the Survey of Consumer Finances.

The good news is that if you start saving early and strategically, a comfortable retirement can be within reach.

Related: There's a Retirement Crisis on the Horizon — See How Your Savings Compare to the Rest of Your Generation's

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