PR Daily

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Business News

5 Ways to Make Swag Giveaways Count

Avoid giving away junk, be creative and try your best to make the contents of the bags memorable without being offensive.

Business News

3 Tips for Writing Unforgettable PR Messages

Unfocused messages can hurt your brand and career. Here are a few easy methods for crafting -- and delivering -- memorable messages in any medium.

Business News

5 Ancient Public Relations Secrets

The practice of public relations is not what it used to be, but history can teach us some important lessons.

Business News

5 Ways Data Can Enhance Marketing Campaigns

Measurement is paramount to ensuring successful communications campaigns. Here's what the numbers can do for you.

Business News

Avoiding Punctuation 'Mass Hysteria'

Hyphens and dashes have different uses. They cannot be used interchangeably.

Business News

12 Dated Expressions That Deserve a Comeback

Do you use the same words or phrases over and over? Freshen up your vocabulary with these gems from the past.