How Often Should You Update or Rebuild Your Website? An expert explains what to consider when you're thinking of refreshing your company's website.
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When it comes to updating your business website in a timely manner, the one rule is this: There are no rules. That's according to Christian Riggs, president of Riggs Creative Group, a user-experience design and website development firm in San Diego. Riggs says that deciding whether to update, redesign or reengineer your site should depend entirely on your business goals, objectives and economic considerations, rather than on some superficial time frame pulled out of thin air. We asked him to explain.
Q: Why would I redesign the look and feel of my website but not rebuild it?
A: A variety of factors can make a redesign worth considering, but here are several that almost always require an update. You've got new branding and color standards, and you need to make sure your new look extends to your website. Your bounce rates are extremely high, meaning people visit but few convert; a well-thought-out redesign can turn this around. Or your business has grown, and plans call for new products and services; your site's design may need to reflect that change. Last, your customers complain about your site, claiming that it looks outdated or doesn't work well.
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