Study Finds People Think Robots Will Replace Humans at Many Jobs, Just Not Their Own -- Start Up Your Day Roundup Plus: More than half of startups in the UK say being acquired is their long-term goal.
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Looking for the exit. A survey from Silicon Valley Bank found that for more than half of UK startups, their long-term goal is to be acquired, according to VentureBeat.
Food and lodging. Guests at extended stay property Homewood Suites can now get discounted meals from meal kit delivery company PeachDish, according to Skift.
All in the timing. Apple will announce its new iPhone March 21st -- the day before the company defends itself in the encryption fight against the federal government, says The Verge.
Robots are taking over our jobs. According to a survey, almost two-thirds of Americans think tech will eventually take over much of the work humans do today -- and very few are worried about it. That's because the vast majority of workers predict that while other jobs and professions will be automated, their own are safe from a robot takeover.