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Here's the One Word That Makes Investors Want to Hear More About Your Business On this episode of "Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch," find out what it takes to wow an investor who has seen and heard it all.

By Dan Bova

Key Takeaways

  • When two matching offers come in, entrepreneurs need to use a combination of research and gut instinct to choose the best deal.
  • Marketplaces are two-sided platforms. Investors want to know which side of the equation you're focused on.
  • Is a history of four successful exits enough to lure investors to jump in on company number five?

Are you ready for some marketplace mayhem?

On this episode of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch, tech entrepreneurs share their grand visions of digital platforms built to fill the needs of businesses and customers alike. But while their two-sided marketplace pitches might sound polished, do these companies have that one thing that all investors crave — profitability?

Longtime viewers of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch know that every episode challenges contestants to step inside our elevator and pitch their company in just 60 seconds. A board of investors is watching and if they like what they hear, the elevator doors open and the entrepreneur has the chance to win a life-changing investment. But if the investors don't like what they hear, the elevator heads to the ground floor and their shot at glory is over.

It's never easy — and it is always unpredictable. Watch to see whose flashy presentation quickly loses its luster as our investors start firing away with questions and whose pitch builds into a boardroom bidding war!

Season 11, Episode 7 Board of Investors

Season 11, Episode 7 Entrepreneurs

  • Nikki Sanz, founder of Giggs, a platform connecting live event professionals and employers.
  • Jennifer Tsay, founder of Shoott, a platform that helps you find affordable photographers vetted by your local community.
  • Wayne Reuvers, founder of Live Retail, a marketing company that promises to 3X your product in your local markets without 3X-ing your budget.

How to Watch

Season 11 of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch is presented by Amazon Business. New episodes stream on Wednesdays on and EntrepreneurTV. Follow Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch on Facebook, YouTube and IGTV.

Dan Bova

Entrepreneur Staff

VP of Special Projects

Dan Bova is the VP of Special Projects at He previously worked at Jimmy Kimmel Live, Maxim, and Spy magazine. His latest books for kids include This Day in History, Car and Driver's Trivia ZoneRoad & Track Crew's Big & Fast Cars, The Big Little Book of Awesome Stuff, and Wendell the Werewolf

Read his humor column This Should Be Fun if you want to feel better about yourself.

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