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Dream Weaver My dream job is helping other people find their dream jobs. So . . . how do I do it?

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Q: Ileft a $100,000-a-year sales job to start a company with a partner.The partnership didn't work out, and I've spent all mysavings and need an immediate income. I've wanted to be apublic speaker since I was 14. Now at 40, I want to help peoplefind their perfect work, but I need to know how to transition intothat myself. Do you have any suggestions?
Name withheld

A: Wealways hate to hear about failed partnerships, but unfortunately,they're more common than divorces. The damage they can do topeople's self-esteem and the obstacles they place betweenbudding entrepreneurs and their dreams inspired us to writeTeaming Up: The Small Business Guide toCollaborating With Others to Boost Your Earnings and Expand YourHorizons (JP Tarcher).

Consider coaching as you grow your speaking business. Coachingis a growing field and has a number of specialties, such as career,life-purpose and business coaching. These organizations offertraining in coaching, though it's not a legal prerequisite:

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