Time-Saving Strategies That'll Have You on Top, Part 2 Wish you had more hours in the day? These tips may make you feel like you do.
Here are some more helpful tips:
- File tips. You must keep up on your filing so you canmove through your office, but you also want to find what you filed!Use different colors to distinguish what's inside: blue forproject files, yellow for office files, red for client resources,etc.
- Phone time. Calls can interrupt your concentration. Ifyou want to stay focused, accept or return phone calls at aspecific time. If you have a number of calls to make, make them insequence. If the person is not there, leave a time when you can bereached: "I'll be available from 10:00 a.m. to noontoday."
- Cash stash. When you're traveling, keep about $25 inyour organizer. If you're dependent on credit cards whentraveling, you can save time by having some hidden cash on hand. Ifyou find you don't have enough money in your wallet while onthe road, this "emergency" amount will allow you to takea cab, buy a snack from a street vendor or anything else youcan't purchase with a credit card. Otherwise, you may findyourself penniless and waste time searching for some extra cash.Credit cards are a great way to manage expenses, but not when allyou need is a bagel and a cup of coffee on the run.
- Use one travel agent. Once you find a great agent whoknows your preferences for services and carriers, develop arelationship with them and use them religiously. You'll soonfind that travel is as easy as faxing information about your trip(time, destinations, and personal specifications), then they faxback the itinerary for your approval, and you're all set. Agood agent will have all of your frequent traveler numbers and willeven deliver the tickets to your door.