AI Startups

Data & Recovery

Ask Yourself These 7 Questions Before Using AI

There are many AI tools on the market, but are they a good fit for your business?

News and Trends

JioGenNext and its 185 Startups Bets

In the past nine years, the company made a significant impact through the JioGenNext program; conducted 18 startup mentorship programs, received over 13,670 applications from aspiring entrepreneurs, mentored 177 startups, and helped alumni startups raise USD 545 million in early-stage venture capital.

Science & Technology

4 Ways AI Startups Can Avoid Becoming Obsolete

Navigate the AI revolution with these strategic insights to build startups resilient enough to withstand rapid AI advancements and the ever-evolving tech ecosystem.

News and Trends

AI Startup Ema Raises USD 25 Mn Led by Accel, Section 32 and Prosus Ventures

The startup aims to deploy the funds for R&D, to create new products and improve its current line of offers. A portion of the funds will also be used to establish the company's go-to-market strategy.


India's Role in AI Should Move towards Being a Product Driver in the World

The AI race is just starting and India wants to play a big role in it.