Brand Building: Page 4

Growth Strategies

Do Brands Really Know Their Customers? Key Approaches to Successful Brand-Building

The fundamental and permanent interaction of a business with a customer is through a purchase and businesses need to begin their client retention process with the first purchase

Starting a Business

Creating a Customer-centric Brand for 2020

To ensure your company stays competitive, it's imperative to keep customers at the forefront of your business strategy

Growth Strategies

Why Having a Strong Brand Voice is Important For Any Business

Three ways to create a distinctive identity that hooks the audience from the get go, and resonates with target market

Starting a Business

The Importance of Being Visible

The only way to cut through the clutter and noise of your competition is to make yourself relevant


4 Ways to Create Impactful Ad Campaigns Without Spending Much

Can you tell your unique value proposition in five words?


Authenticity and Creativity Can Help Elevate a Music Brand's Overall Presence

As consumption of music continues to grow globally, brands should take note of music streamers

Starting a Business

The Importance of 'Positioning' Your Brand When You're Just Starting Out

Positioning may seem simple on the surface, but few people give it the time it deserves.


Want To Break Through The Noise? Songsmth Your Brand

As the adoption of smart speakers like Amazon's Alexa continues to grow, brands are being forced into a 'voice first' era, making it a perfect time for brands to develop their sonic identities

Thought Leaders

This Is How the Rich Get Richer (and How You Can Do the Same)

The wealthy are always keeping an eye on the long-term pay-out.

Growth Strategies

5 Ways Food Entrepreneurs Can Use Social Media To Grow Business

The key to grabbing your customer's attention in an increasingly noisy world is to give them something worth their time

Growth Strategies

Know The Hacks to Grow Your Customer Reach

How these entrepreneurs devised low-cost, yet effective marketing, brand building and customer-acquisition strategies to help their startups grow

Growing a Business

How Birchbox CEO Katia Beauchamp Evolved Along With Her Brand

A new partnership with Walgreens is the company's latest play for continued success.


How AI-Based Enterprise Applications Can Help You Make Better Business Decisions

Artificial intelligence technologies are being extensively integrated in large retail, supply chain, legal, financial and IT companies

Growth Strategies

Creating Memorable Brand Experiences in the Digital Age

Compelling brand stories and stunning visual design can power brand equity in the digital age

Growth Strategies

Why You Should Make this Year Data-driven

A data-driven approach is the best one to keep the sail of businesses afloat. Here's how businesses can target their focus-audience and tell alluring stories by using data