Cash Management: Page 3
How to Spend Your Way to Wealth
Austerity can be self defeating. The trick to prosperity is living well now but spending wisely to afford it.
6 Cash Flow Essentials for Your Startup
There is no better time to get your bookkeeping right than when money is the tightest.
'Opportunity Cost' Sounds Abstract But It Costs Your Business Real Money
Clients who don't value your time keep you from those who do. There are polite ways to set them straight.
The One Thing Entrepreneurs Must Get in Order Before They Launch a Business
Entrepreneurs may be excited to start a new endeavor but if this area is in shambles, they are going to have a difficult time running their startup.
5 Startup Tips to Avoid Cash Crash and Burn
Entrepreneurs are an optimistic bunch -- a trait that could cloud your financial judgment. Here are five lessons to keep your business from becoming a cash casualty
How to Anticipate Cash-Flow Problems
Do advance planning to avoid a crash course in the lesson you don't want to learn the hard way.
4 Tips for Managing Cash Flow When You're Bootstrapping
The wealthiest companies work hard to know where every dime goes. Startups literally cannot afford to do less.
The Correct Answers to 'How Will You Use My Money?'
Investors need to be assured your business is in good shape. It also helps to not proclaim your desire for a new car.
Choosing the Right Cashiering System for Your Bar
These quick tips can help you decide just what accounting system will work best for your bar.
How to Be Smart About Your Spending in 2014 (Infographic)
Many small-business owners have indicated they are going to be spending more money this year than last. If you are one of them, be sure you do so wisely.
Set Boundaries for Accountability and Other Must-Read Business Tips
A look at why co-founders shouldn't always seek consensus, why millennials want feedback and more advice for business owners.
How to Keep Your Zen During Tax Season
Here are five recommendations for keeping things copacetic this tax season.
Selling Your Business? How to Get the Most for It
Check out these five recommendations on making a graceful exit.
How to Find Your Money Zen
Here are four things you can do to keep your business's finances organized.
3 Simple Financial Tools to Help Track Business Success
Financial dashboards are a popular way for small business owners to manage their money and track their growth without the hassle and expense of a business consultant.