Changing Careers


7 Empowering Strategies for Leaders Transitioning to New Roles

Discover seven essential strategies to transition into a new leadership role with confidence.

Resumes & Interviewing

This Résumé Tool Can Help Keep You in the Mix for Your Dream Job

Avoid falling through the cracks with Rezi.

Growing a Business

Long-Term Success Depends on Learning These 6 Lessons Early in Your Career

From doing what you love to seeking out mentors to continuous learning, the path to success has left many clues for you to follow.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Don't Assume Employees Can't Handle Tough Decisions

Too often, managers become paternalistic toward employees, falling into the wrongheaded belief that they know what's best for them.

Making a Change

3 Ways to Avoid a Nasty Breakup When Quitting Your Job

Done right, your former employer will celebrate you, your former colleagues will congratulate you and your bridges will not go up in flames.

Growing a Business

How the Side Hustler Life Is Redefining 'Work-Life' Balance

It's about more than babies and friends -- work-life balance can also mean finding career fulfillment through a side hustle.

Thought Leaders

Stephen Dubner Talks 'Freakonomics' -- and How He Became an Accidental Entrepreneur

The former scribe has long admired small businesses and the people who run them. And now that he's got a company of his own, he's learning just how tricky it can be.


Why These Founders Took a Huge Step Back and Became Franchisees

Sometimes running a company isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Growing a Business

How This Recruiting Company Is Putting the 'Human' Back Into Human Resources

Companies have a hard time recruiting and retaining the elusive millennial employee. The Muse CEO Kathryn Minshew has a solution: Tell them everything.