Clothes: Page 4

Money & Finance

How a Used-Clothing Site Raised $8.4 Million in Venture Capital

A new strategy for an online hand-me-downs company targeting moms helps raise an infusion of cash from venture backers.

Business Ideas

Upcycling Becomes a Treasure Trove for Green Business Ideas

Forget recycling. Reusing materials discarded in the manufacturing process is a growing force behind a fresh new industry.

Thought Leaders

Two College Entrepreneurs Dress for Success

Blank Label founders Fan Bi and Danny Wong have made more than $350,000 in their first year.

Thought Leaders

Entrepreneur Makeover: From Geek-in-Chief to Head Hottie

Giantnerd's Randall Weidberg gets a style makeover and goes from geek-in-chief to head hottie.