
La plataforma de streaming CNN+ cierra un par de semanas después de haber sido lanzada

La fusión entre WarnerMedia y Discovery le pone fin al proyecto. Sus contenidos podrían pasar a ser parte de alguna plataforma de streaming ya existente.

Business News

The CNN+ streaming platform closes a couple of weeks after being launched

The merger between WarnerMedia and Discovery ends the project. Your content could become part of an existing streaming platform.

Business News

What to Expect From CNN's Just-Launched Streaming Service

CNN wants to do for news what other streaming platforms have already done for entertainment.


Qué esperar del recién lanzado servicio de transmisión de CNN

CNN quiere hacer por las noticias lo que otras plataformas de transmisión ya han hecho por el entretenimiento.

Business News

'He Wants Megyn Kelly Money': Chris Cuomo Reportedly Demanding $60 Million After CNN Fallout

Sources say the former CNN host has his eyes on a hefty payout.


'Él quiere dinero de Megyn Kelly': Chris Cuomo supuestamente exige $ 60 millones después de CNN Fallout

Las fuentes dicen que el expresentador de CNN tiene la vista puesta en un pago considerable.

Business News

Falling Gas Price Trend Likely Bottomed, Drivers Should Brace for Pain at the Pump: Experts

National average retail gasoline prices have been in a downward trend since peaking at $3.505 for the week ending Nov. 8, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Business News

CNN Evacuates New York City Office Amid Reports of Suspicious Package After Explosive Devices Sent to Clinton and Obama Homes

Two CNN reporters said the package was addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan, who served in the Obama administration.

Business News

Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain Found Dead at 61

The chef, author and TV host died in France while shooting his CNN series "Parts Unknown."

News and Trends

How Social Media is Changing the Way We Consume News

Realizing the power of social media, even news channels and publishers are trying to utilize its reach to present news to the masses


Which Type of Logo is Best for Your Brand?

Choosing a logo type, after understanding the positives and negatives of each type, is one of the first steps to creating a successful logo for your business

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

'Days Felt Like Years': What Morgan Spurlock Found When He Tried to Survive on Bitcoin for a Week

At first the documentary filmmaker thought the virtual currency was 'bananas.'

Growth Strategies

Office Interiors Say A Lot About Your Corporate Culture

A working environment is as important as the idea itself. Brndstr CEO Simon Hudson on why entrepreneurs should take time to plan, imagine, and take inspiration for your dream workspace.