
Science & Technology

Hello, Collaboration! How the Future of A.I. Lies With Brand Cross-Pollination

Alexa, meet Cortana. Cortana, meet Alexa -- and Siri and Google Assistant. Now, PDAs, talk amongst yourselves ...

Science & Technology

How Entrepreneurs Can Take Advantage of Voice Search Marketing

Your customers are already using voice search. It's up to you and your business to meet them there.


Microsoft's Cortana Is Coming To The Android Lock Screen

The latest update for Cortana on Android will allow access to the Halo-inspired digital assistant and its features over your smartphone's lock screen.

Business News

In Microsoft's Future, You'll Get Most of Your Tasks Done by Talking to Your Phone

For Satya Nadella, using 'the power of human language' to communicate with machines will be as profound as the development of the Internet and the use of touchscreens on mobile devices.

Business News

How Important Is Siri's Personality?

As virtual assistant technology becomes more advanced, the next battle is over personality, or lack thereof.