

Data Localisation: Importance Of Data Centers

As an integral part of every enterprise, data centers are a virtual goldmine of information supporting business applications

Business News

It's 2022 and Here are 22 Reasons to Make MarketBeat the Only Resource You'll Need

MarketBeat uses the latest technology to provide proprietary, comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-the-minute financial data. And because this information can be overwhelming, MarketBeat provides investors with the ability to input their...


We Are Under Constant Surveillance Through Our Phones: Sridhar Vembu

Adjunct surveillance is sort of an ambient surveillance which is essentially going on every time


This Entrepreneur Is Setting Trends In the Realm Of Data Industry

Many know him as Hunter Johnson, but his competitors know him as 'the dark prince of the internet'


Top Technology Predictions for 2020

Unlimited amount of knowledge available at our fingertips and technological advancements are accelerating faster than ever before, thereby blurring lines between physical and digital domains


The Techie Closet

The World Lies in the Hands of Technology: That's What Techie Closet is all about