Debit cards: Page 2
In a Win for Small Merchants, Judge Overturns Fed Ruling on Debit Card Fees
In the ongoing saga between the nation's biggest banks and small retailers over swipe fees, the courts rule in favor of Main Street.
5 Questions You Must Ask Your Credit Card Processor
Confused about payment schedules and hidden fees? We'll walk you through the fine print.
Most Retailers Saving Big on Debit Card Processing Fees
Federal Reserve report shows financial reforms are making a difference for merchants, although some say it's not enough.
What New Debit-Card Fees Could Mean For Swipe Reform and Small Businesses
As banks start charging customers who use debit cards, many owners are wondering how this might hit their wallets.
Swipe-Fee Relief: Will Your Business Really Save?
Here are four ways big banks might change their practices in light of the new law that cuts what they can charge for debit-card purchases.