Distractions: Page 6


Can Distractions Actually Boost Productivity in the Workplace?

Smartphones? Email? Dogs in the office? Believe it or not, these things can actually encourage more, not less, work.


10 Reasons You're Not Getting Your Work Done (Infographic)

Distractions can be … hold on, I got a text.


Work Smarter: 8 Ways to Boost Focus in a Home Office

Household distractions may be diverting your mental energy. Turn off the TV and tune in to these ideas for improving attention.

Thought Leaders

3 Hacks to Focus Deeply and be More Productive

Deep focus is the superpower of the 21st century. If you can harness it, you'll possess a power that most no longer have.

Business News

German City Designs Traffic Lights for Oblivious Pedestrians

Blinking LED lights are now being placed in the ground at busy intersections for people who look down at their devices while walking.


Learn to Wean Yourself Off of Candy Crush and Facebook With These 7 Simple Productivity Hacks

It's possible that a few lucky people are born productive, but for most of us, it's a learned skill set.


Sound Off: Should Distracted Walkers Be Fined or Jailed?

A New Jersey lawmaker has put forward a bill that stipulates pedestrians with their faces in their phones will pay a fine of $50 or spend up to 15 days in jail.


This Program Silently Judges You When You Waste Time Online

Find yourself browsing Facebook, memes and funny videos way more than you should? Here's a painless solution.


5 Ways You're Wasting Time Without Even Realizing It

Becoming more productive starts with accepting the harsh truth that you likely waste just as much time as everyone else.


If You Want to Remember the Important Stuff, You Need to Ignore the Background Noise

Those with high-capacity working memories are really good at blocking out distracting information, a new study finds.

Business News

Tips for Clearing Your Computer of Focus-Draining Distraction

Here is how to finally create a distraction-free desktop, so you can focus and get your best work done.

Making a Change

It's Time to Quit the 'Motivation Porn' and Get Serious About Success

Watching other people succeed is thrilling but lacks the satisfaction doing it yourself for real.

Growing a Business

Become a Fantastic Listener With These 9 Techniques

Most of the time, what gets in the way of being an effective listener is our thoughts.


Finding Your Focus Through 'Deep Work'

Working on something intently will produce much better results than working with distracted, fragmented attention.


5 Tips to Fight Content Overload

Feel the need to constantly check your email and smartphone all day? Here's a better plan.