Economics: Page 4


Challenges & Tasks For Budding Entrepreneurs

One needs to be on one's toes to address the speed-breakers, in a planned and thoughtful way as an Entrepreneur


Do You Know These 6 Factors That Affect Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs who fearlessly and judiciously take risk of a startup to execute their plans get rewards like fame, profit and good flow of capital

News and Trends

Which Countries Are Ready for AI Adoption?

Among the main reasons for embracing artificial intelligence is a low productivity growth

Money & Finance

How to Make Learning Economics Easy

Author and economist Andrei Polgar sits down with Dave Meltzer to discuss how he built a platform to teach economics to the masses.

Growth Strategies

'Becoming an Entrepreneur is Not by Design but by Orientation'

Establishing a venture in a completely unknown field wasn't a cake-walk for Ratul.

Social Media

Facebook's Growth Accelerator Has A Thing to Say to India's Small Businesses

What's happening nowadays is the gap is increasing between small businesses operating well and their access to technology.

Thought Leaders

10 Books Every Leader Should Read to Be Successful

Reading is the only proven shortcut to success.


A New Generation Of Islamic Finance Experts Is Required In The Middle East

Today's varied and fluctuating markets call for finance professionals who are both flexible in their approach and knowledgeable of different financial models.

Business News

U.S. Economy Sees Best Performance in Two Years

Strong consumer spending has fueled the boost.


7 Ways Entrepreneurs Drive Economic Development

Entrepreneurs create businesses, businesses create jobs and people with jobs make good customers.

Buying / Investing in Business

Firms Have to Approach Emerging Markets as Investors, Not 'Tourists'

As long as investors keep hopping from one country to the next, they perpetuate the cycle of capital flight from areas that desperately need cash and continuity.

Business News

The World's 10 Most Expensive Cities

When one thinks of the world's most expensive cities, images of New York and London probably pop to mind. But those two do not even make the list.

Business News

Guaranteed Basic Income Is Not Worth the Risks of Experimentation

As with all economic policies, basic income needs to be based on the balance sheet not the good intentions of Silicon Valley.

Business News

U.S. Created 38,000 Jobs in May Vs. 162,000 Expected

'There's one word for it, which is just shocking,' said Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes North America. 'Unfortunately it does look like a trend. It's not great news.'

Growth Strategies

How To Figure Out If Your Idea Works?

As an entrepreneur I always try to link an idea to the big impact it can create.