Expenses: Page 7
First-Time Business Owners: A Brief Guide to Tax Filings
As a new business owner, you may be confused about what you owe in business taxes the first year out. Read this guide to get it done right.
Sticker Shock: The Best and Worst Cities for Haircuts, Hotels, iPhones and More
Deutsche Bank released a ranking of the most and least expensive places to buy a range of items worldwide.
Sneaky Recurring Contracts: 10 Common Ways Your Business Is Getting Overcharged
You may think company costs are under control, but there are hidden expenses right under your nose.
Should You Issue Company Credit Cards?
In general, company credit cards are more trouble than they are worth. Consider these two scenarios before making a decision.
Think Hillary's Bad? Here Are 5 'Ethical' Mistakes Business Owners Regularly Make.
Most of us don't operate outside of the law. Sometimes, we make choices that would be considered unethical by some, yet perfectly appropriate by others.
5 Suggestions When Reducing Costs Is Your Only Option
When you face challenges, follow these tips to make your company stronger.
10 Essential Startup Expenses, and 10 You Should Avoid
When you spend money on the things that are truly important, you position your business well for long-term success.
3 Important Burn Rate Considerations for Every Business
Entrepreneurs may be tempted to think that all burn is created equally -- but there is more to capital expenditures than spending alone.
Don't Throw Money Away By Not Monitoring Expense Reports (Infographic)
In the world of business travel-expense management, small companies are still in the dark ages.
You'll Never Control Expenses If Your Team Doesn't Know What Anything Costs
Even profitable businesses are better off watching the pennies. Step one is a friendly tutorial about the costs that employees drive.
How to Spend Your Way to Wealth
Austerity can be self defeating. The trick to prosperity is living well now but spending wisely to afford it.
When Does It Make Sense to Pay Employees Above the Average?
There are two criteria you must consider before seeking a highly skilled worker.
5 Simple Steps to Prevent Expense Fraud
Whether intentional or not, a few misappropriated dollars here and there can easily add up and can be hard to detect.
4 Simple Steps for Keeping Every Dollar You've Earned in Your Pocket
New business is good but the quickest route to making more money is cutting pointless expenses and getting paid promptly for the work you've completed.
Broken Tech: Should You Fix it or Replace it? (Infographic)
From bum smartphones to glitchy laptops and printers, which electronics are worth repairing and which should you replace? This easy visual guide will help you decide.