Federal Contracting
Obama's Budget: What's In It for Entrepreneurs
The White House released its fiscal year 2014 budget proposal today. Here's a look at what's in it for small-business owners and entrepreneurs.
SBA Budget Whacked $92 Million By Sequestration
The Small Business Administration's budget has to be chopped by 5 percent across the board as a result of forced budget cuts.
How to Set Your Business Up to Bid on Federal Government Contracts
The federal government is the largest buyer of goods or services in the U.S. Here is what you need to do to prepare for doing business with it.
Incentives Needed to Spur Federal Agencies to Meet Small-Business Contracting Goals (Opinion)
The SBA reports that it has tried to increase the share of federal dollars going to small businesses by implementing new contracting provisions. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be working.
Trying to Win a Government Contract? Avoid These 3 Mistakes
Doing work for the federal government can help a small business grow, but figuring out how to secure a lucrative contract can be tricky.
Eyeing a HUBZone? Hold Onto That Status
When it comes to landing federal procurement contracts, getting certified under various set-aside programs can improve your chances. But a HUBZone status can easily slip away as an area changes.
How the 'Little Guy' Can Partner With Big Companies
If you're a little guy, there are plenty of ways to partner with a much larger company. Here are seven.
Senate Grills SBA Over Federal Contracts
Investigation finds small-business contracts might actually be going to larger companies.
Will New SBA Rules Give Women Entrepreneurs Their Due?
After a decade-long struggle, a new program to boost federal contracts among women-owned businesses kicked in. Will it work?