If I Knew Then: Page 3
If I Knew Then: Indiegogo Co-Founder Makes His Mark Helping Others Follow Their Passion
While Indiegogo CEO and co-founder Slava Rubin has made a successful business out of giving his fellow entrepreneurs the opportunity to share their work, he has had his fair share of missteps in achieving that mission.
If I Knew Then: Tech Entrepreneur's Challenging Upbringing Led to Passion for Solving Problems
Serial entrepreneur Naveen Jain learned the importance of team building from the last crisis he expected to handle on his own.
If I Knew Then: Co-Founder of Natural Beauty Products Company on Staying Positive and Being Patient
Ido Leffler, co-founder of Yes To Inc., has accomplished a lot in the last seven years, and he's learned that good things come to those who wait.
If I Knew Then: Serial Entrepreneur Reveals Why Second Place Isn't Good Enough
For our series 'If I knew then,' co-founder of HotelTonight Sam Shank opens up about what he learned during his entrepreneurial journey and offers up advice to aspiring entrepreneurs.
If I Knew Then: CEO of Kid-App Maker Toca Boca on Finding Intrapreneurial Success
Bjorn Jeffery delves into why serendipity led to his success in innovation.
If I Knew Then: CEO of KIND Healthy Snacks Dishes on Lessons Learned During His First Years as an Entrepreneur
If Daniel Lubetzky had a time machine, he would have realized the importance of sticking to his brand's promise of quality.