Inventing: Page 7

Starting a Business

Senate Bill Would Undermine University Tech Inventions (Opinion)

A proposed measure intended to encourage more high-tech startups is misguided, our columnist argues. Increasing academic research funding is the better route for fostering innovation.

Business Ideas

The Reality TV Show that Wants Your Offscreen Ideas Too

'Everyday Edisons' producer Edison Nation has major connections and can help you bring your idea to market.

Buying / Investing in Business

Are You Ready to Pitch Your Product to Investors?

Inventors and entrepreneurs made their case on the debut episode of PBS's "Everyday Edisons" new season, but not all of them seemed quite ready to do so.

Starting a Business

Investor Lori Greiner on Her Swim in the 'Shark Tank'

Guest "Shark" and QVC Queen dishes about her time on the reality TV show and what she likes to hear in an entrepreneur's pitch.

Starting a Business

Entrepreneurs: Are You a User?

Did you start your business after creating a product for your own use? If so, your chances of landing venture capital and finding business success are better than for other types of startups.

Business Ideas

Your Eyes and Ears on the Ground: SXSW Interactive

Don't miss out on knowing about 'The Next Big Thing' first. Over the next five days, we'll fill you in on all the mayhem that is SXSW Interactive.

Starting a Business

Why and How to Host a Hackathon

Short on programming talent or ideas? Consider hosting a hackathon.

Money & Finance

Entrepreneurs: Is Your Idea Ready for Prime Time?

When you've got a business idea, it's easy to get excited and start talking it up to possible investors. But if it's too soon, that can mean missed opportunities.

Starting a Business

The Key Question Inventors Don't Ask Before Seeking Funding

Wondering what makes investors back an invention? The new History Channel show 'Invention USA' points out a key factor that can make the difference in landing funding.

Starting a Business

Quirky's Advice for Inventors: Study the Market

Inventors may know how to pinpoint a problem, but coming up with a product that shoppers want is another challenge entirely. Fortunately for them, Quirky can help.

Starting a Business

How to Navigate the New Patent Law

The age-old patent system is set to be reformed. Here's how the new law might change how or whether you get a patent.

Starting a Business

'Quirky' Turns Inventors into Reality TV Stars

A new reality TV series starring Ben Kaufman and his product development firm Quirky is debuting tonight.


Quirky: The Solution to the Innovator's Dilemma

At the age of 24, Ben Kaufman already has a successful startup track record. With Quirky, he's tapped into the power of open innovation and created a place where anyone can become an inventor.

Business Ideas

Lessons Learned From Mom Inventors

How three moms started small businesses around solutions to parenting challenges.