Making Decisions: Page 5

Business News

3 Steps to Becoming a Better Decision Maker

Smart, rational decision-making isn't an innate gift; rather, it's an art, a process of weighing inputs such as data and risk on one hand and emotions like fear and uncertainty on the other

Growth Strategies

Let's Move With Time In A Better Way

Here are five ways to make sure you come out tops.


Taking Big Financial decisions was never so easy

"If your business really has the merit to succeed, you need to rekindle your belief ".


How a Rule Change by Pope Francis Gives a Lesson in Leadership to All

The Pope knows what he believes, is clear about his intentions and isn't afraid to fight.

Growing a Business

Why Sleeping on a Decision May Not Help You

There's nothing about sleep itself that gives us more insight or makes us more confident in a decision.

Health & Wellness

Your Server's Wide Waistline May Steer You Towards Dessert

Diners who were served by a waiter with higher BMIs were more likely to end their meals with a sweet treat, according to study.

Growing a Business

How Quitting Can Get You Exactly What You Want

Sometimes, giving up on the wrong things will allow you to gain the right ones.


5 Decisions You'll Always Regret

Our days are filled with a constant stream of decisions. Most are mundane, but some are so important that they can haunt you for the rest of your life.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways Smart Entrepreneurs Can Stop Thinking In Circles

It's a good day when data makes the right choice obvious. The rest of the time you have to go with what feels right based on what facts you have.

Thought Leaders

Entrepreneurs Don't Overthink Things. They Make a Decision and Go With It.

Becoming an entrepreneur means accepting that you might fail. At some point, you've got to shut off your brain, and make a move.

Thought Leaders

Why Yogi Berra's Cryptic Advice on Choices Makes Sense to Entrepreneurs

The beloved Yankee is inscrutable to most people. Business owners barraged by decisions to be made with imperfect information understand him.

Thought Leaders

5 Surprising Things Super Successful People Do

They understand the power of no, for one.


Of Course Corporations Are People

Big corporations are just small businesses that grew up. And they are all run by and for people.

Thought Leaders

The 5 Decisions That Will Change Your Life Forever as an Entrepreneur

Because entrepreneurship has been so heavily glamorized over the past decade, many people feel surprised and guilty about the fact that it can actually be a pretty tough choice to make.


The 7 Styles of Decision Making

'Understanding how you make decisions is the starting point to making a more informed decision in the future,' says author Jeffrey Shinabarger.