Messaging: Page 4

Business News

Google, Launching Allo, Bets on AI to Spice Up Chats

The new messaging service, which was unveiled in May, will compete with Facebook Inc.'s WhatsApp and Messenger.


3 Moments Where President Obama Earned the Title of Great Communicator

Pay attention, entrepreneurs: These are great learning opportunities.

Business News

Oil Traders Prepare to Bid Fond Farewell to Yahoo Messenger

As commodity markets continued dealing on Friday, traders were lamenting the imminent demise of the version of Yahoo Messenger that has been their main communication tool since the late 1990s.


Superhero Strategies for Nailing Your Branding

You can't be everything to everyone. Define your true, internal identity and then broadcast it consistently across all your signal channels.


What Made Gupshup Make the Leap To Chatbots This Year

"A tech entrepreneur should definitely have grit and determination; smart and hard working will not be enough"


Celebrating Father's Day

Father's Day stands out as the Day when you talk to your father and tell him how special he is to you.


3 Ways Messaging Will Transform Marketing

Messaging is about to transform marketing in ways you probably don't expect.

Business News

Kik Launches a 'Bot Shop,' Because Bot Shops Are the New App Stores

'This is the first time we're putting a stake in the ground and creating a specific experience with bots front and center,' says the messaging app's CEO.


Why It's Vital For Startups To Adopt A Smarter Communication Model From The Start

The various benefits of adopting an enterprise messaging application.


Why WhatsApp Stopped Supporting Blackberry And Nokia

This is not abandonment, this is progress.

Business News

WhatsApp Becomes First Messaging App With 1 Billion Users

Its user base has more than doubled since Facebook bought it back in 2014.

Social Media

WhatsApp Scraps Subscription Fee, Announces New Communication Tools for Businesses

While the service has long vowed to remain free of third-party apps and spam, its latest pivot could pave the way for a Facebook-like monetization model.


10 Tips for Creating Marketing Messages that Work

Add these tools to your marketing utility belt.


The Messaging Bellwether

Rajdip Gupta, an early mobile application development and telecom enthusiast, foresaw the mobile-led disruption in telecom industry.


Being All Things to All People Is a Marketing Dead End

There are universal problems but customers are skeptical when you promise a universal solution.