Niche marketing: Page 5
5 Marketing Lessons Learned Watching Donald Trump Run for President
Marketing is successful when you know who loves you. Marketing failure is trying to make everybody like you.
Craft Brewers: This Is What Your Customers Want
Knowing who's buying craft beers will help you market to your target audience.
The Rocky and Bullwinkle Effect: Why You Should Consider Marketing to Multiple Audiences
Choosing the right message often requires you to target two or more audiences with very different interests.
5 Ways Niche Brands Can Build a Massive Community
Unlike large companies with many stakeholders, a focused entrepreneur in a niche market has a leg up in building community by virtue of their common bond around a narrow topic.
Why Your Target Market Is Not, That's Right, Not Important
Instead, zero in on "the profitable niche."
3 Fears That Keep Your Business From Growth
It requires courage to choose the entrepreneurial path, and more courage is needed to see how far it leads.
The Brand Builder: HRH Princess Reema Bint Bandar Al Saud
Alfa International's former CEO Princess Reema is focusing on the brand proliferation of Baraboux, a better leathers line of ergonomic luxury bags.
Why You Should Polarize Your Client Base Just Like an Online Dating Site
Sites such as Farmers Only and Christian Mingle have a customer filter built right into the names.
8 Strategies for Expanding a Niche Product Into New Markets
If your product is thriving with one customer base, it's time to grow past the comfort zone.
Finding the Hidden Market That Your Business Is Missing Out On
Stereotypes can inadvertently prompt you to ignore important customer segments -- consumers who could become your top buyers.
How You Market Your Product Depends on Your Competition
Are you customers still doing things the old way, or have they moved on? The early days of handheld calculators provides a good example.
7 Steps to Defining Your Niche Market
Aiming for the right customers? Use this seven-step process to develop a profitable niche.
Who Is the Target Audience for Your Business Plan? Hint: More People Than You Think.
It's not just investors or bankers who'll want to see your plan.
5 Steps to Carving Out a Niche Business
While you should always strive to offer high-quality products and great service to your clients, being the best at something can be harder than being the first to arrive to a new category or niche.
To Grow Your Business, Get Beyond These 4 Entrepreneurial Cliches
You probably don't need anybody telling you what has to be done to succeed, though some suggestions on how to do it would be helpful.