Persuasion: Page 4


How to Get People to Do What You Want

Here's a hint: You can catch more flies with honey than you can vinegar.


Saying It Right -- 8 Rules for Getting People on Your Side

It's just like your mother said: It's the way you express things sometimes that really matters.


The 6 Elements of Persuasion (Infographic)

When you want to get your customer to say yes, keep these principles in mind.


Good Leaders Persuade. They Don't Manipulate.

Manipulators are heard, but persuaders are believed because they are trusted, which results in a win-win.


An Expert's Guide to Steering a Conversation

If a discussion is not proceeding along a productive line for you, here's how to subtly redirect it. (Avoid hijacking it at all costs.)

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Negotiate Your Way to a 'Yes'

Business owners who work for themselves must learn fairly quickly how to negotiate for optimal terms.