Profiles: Page 7

Business Ideas

Website That Benefits Both Musicians and Fans

Bandcamp simplifies music sales by handling all the back-end functions that enable artists to sell online without being forced into pricing structures.

Social Media

Why Steve Case Is Betting Millions on Lolly Wolly Doodle

How a children's clothing company stood out in social commerce, catching the eye of prominent investors.

Business Ideas

Urban Bees For Hire

Seattle's Ballard Bee Company hopes renting hives to urban gardeners can ease the risk of 'beemageddon.'

Business News

How Teaching English in Bolivia Sparked One Young Trep's Bankable Business Idea

Sam Slover co-founded the online learning site, to help fill the education void in many parts of the world. See how that idea has taken off.

Business News

From Powering Businesses to Empowering Kids

Fresh out of college with an enviable consultant job, Andrea Lo decided to quit so she could create Piggybackr, an online platform that helps kids raise money for causes.

Thought Leaders

Beyond the Food Truck: 10 Unique Mobile Businesses

From dog grooming to vintage accessories, many entrepreneurs are taking their businesses on the road.


Why a Franchising Veteran Launched an Employee Stock Plan

Kelly Saxton has spent over 30 years running restaurant franchises, and one thing he's learned is that good employees are crucial to success and should be rewarded.

Growing a Business

The Family Behind Luxury Lingerie Business Cosabella

A revealing look at the immigrant family driving Cosabella as the Italian fashion brand creates a new label for JCPenney, experiments with high-tech underwear and expands globally.


The Travel Entrepreneur of the Year

Robert Deluce's Porter Airlines put a secondary airport back on the map and brought civility back to flying.

Business Ideas

Need a Beer? These Ballpark Apps Are Changing How You Get One

You can order just about anything on your smartphone, so why are you stuck in line for nachos at the ballpark? These three startups keep you in your seat and concession stands hopping.

Starting a Business

The Experimental Nature of Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh

In the first of a four-part series, a look at how the serial entrepreneur is betting on startups to revitalize Las Vegas with his $350 million Downtown Project.

Thought Leaders

How Home Soda Making Devices Became the Next Big Thing

Sales of a carbonation device go from flat to sparkling.

Thought Leaders

How a Skate Business Came to the Aid of Shelter Animals

Eco-friendly skateboard and apparel business has a mission to help rescue animals. Hendrick Boards donates as much as 40 percent of its revenue to 200 animal shelters, rescues and sanctuaries.

Thought Leaders

What You Can Learn From the Great Gatsby and 9 Other Fictional Entrepreneurs

From Jay Gatsby to J.C. Wiatt, we look at several of the most popular entrepreneurs from books, movies and TV shows.

Business Ideas

A Rude Experience Inspires a 'Good' Brand

Kris Wittenberg vowed to put "Be Good to People" on a T-shirt after an unpleasant encounter. Five years later, she's ready to turn her sideline into a main event.