Reddit: Page 5

Business News

Check Out the Amazing Gifts Bill Gates Sent to This Reddit User

One lucky person gets the Microsoft co-founder as their Secret Santa.

Social Media

Reddit CEO Was Wrong to Prank Critics but Reddit Is Right to Ban Toxic Minority

Influential websites have a responsibility to act against online intimidation and fake news, even if Steve Huffman was wrong to change a few critical posts as a joke.

Business News

Reddit to Crack Down on Abuse After CEO Is Targeted

The social media website known for its commitment to free speech, will crack down on online harassment by banning or suspending users who target others.

Thought Leaders

5 Reasons Why an Open Internet Makes a Better World

Reddit's Alexis Ohanian touts the internet for having democratized information and having 'flattened' the world.

Data & Recovery

Ousted Reddit Employees Form a Rival, Less Toxic Community Site

It's the latest example of staffers who were let go or quit but believe they can do it better.

Business News

This Is What Bill Gates Says Makes Him Feel Powerless

Here are the four juiciest tidbits from the billionaire tech mogul's latest AMA, where he also revealed what habit keeps him up at night.

Science & Technology

This Guy Spent 4 Years Creating a Reddit Set in the Future

The rendering by Blair Erickson represents what he thinks the site would look like 1,000 years from now.

Thought Leaders

To Alexis Ohanian, Success Came After a Series of Setbacks

At the Entrepreneur Accelerate Your Business conference, the Reddit founder said entrepreneurs shouldn't be afraid to stumble.


12 Ways to Think Outside the Marketing Box and Reach More Customers Online

Find and convert more online customers by sharing free samples, hosting events and even riding the wave of someone else's audience.


7 Steps to Gain $46,000 of Online Promotion for Under $230

Get the most bang for only a few bucks using these free (or inexpensive) platforms for content marketing.

Buying / Investing in Business

Y Combinator Creates New Fund to Invest In Its Later-Stage Companies

The $700 million pool gives the incubator the ability to bet big on winner.

Thought Leaders

Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian: Building a Business Mostly Isn't Fun

Ohanian, an investor and advisor to at least 100 startups, joyfully warned an audience at the Entrepreneur360 about the travails of entrepreneurship.

Business News

Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Insulting the Thai Monarchy on Facebook

Originally 60 years, the government reduced his punishment after the man pleaded guilty.

Science & Technology

Here's Your Chance to Ask Stephen Hawking Anything

The physicist is heading to Reddit's popular AMA forum to discuss his theories on… everything.

Business News

Reddit Lays Out New Harassment Policies

Freshly reappointed CEO Steve Huffman took to AMA to answer users' questions.