Ronald Reagan


Nancy Reagan Proved the Power of Partners in Leadership

As President, Ronald Reagan reshaped American government and politics. He always said he could not have done it without his Nancy.


How Leaders, in Politics and Business, Use Influence Instead of Power

True leaders understand the limitations inherent in power and choose to view their role as one of influence.


The 15 Ronald Reagan Quotes Every Business Leader Must Know

On the 10th anniversary of the Gipper's death, we present some of his best thoughts on American business.

Money & Finance

How the Republican Presidential Candidates Stack Up on Small-Business Taxes

The Presidential candidates will likely add to their reform agendas in the weeks ahead. But here's a look at the candidates' existing small-business tax plans.

Growing a Business

How Small Businesses are Becoming Big Campaign Stops

An inside look at five entrepreneurs reaping political publicity, as the presidential hopefuls put them in the spotlight on the campaign trail.