Russell Simmons

Social Media

Universal Music Looking for Next Big YouTube Star With New Record Label

The venture signals that YouTube stars with palpable buzz and inbuilt fan bases have become increasingly enticing to the world's biggest music corporations.

Business News

Russell Simmons Sets His Sights on YouTube with 'Post-Racial' Programming

For all of the future media startups out there, consider this tip from Uncle Rush: Go digital my friend. Here, the entrepreneur icon describes his plans for the future YouTube network 'All Def Digital.'

Business News

10 Inspirational Quotes From Top Entrepreneurial Leaders

For those plugging away on their startups on days when everyone else has off, here are a few choice words of wisdom to keep you going strong.

Starting a Business

The Soul of Small Business

A look at history's most iconic black entrepreneurs


Forward Thinkers

Get your business on the cutting edge with lessons from these 16 small-business pioneers.