Seed Funding: Page 4


How SAIF Is Contributing To The Success Of YourDost

Startup has raised $ 1 million from SAIF Partners in a pre-series A round of funding.


How Smart Entrepreneurs Get Funding

Top to-dos before you approach an investor.

News and Trends

Funding Roundup: Know Which Startups Got Lucky With Funding

Your daily funding news update is here


Funding Roundup: Five Startups Who Attracted Investors' Eye Yesterday

Here is the list of startups who attracted investors to invest in them.

Growing a Business

Weathering the Market Selloff

These few suggestions will help weather the leanest of times.

Growth Strategies

What Startups Need To Know Before Raising Seed Round Of Funds

"Prime Venture Partners does not like to invest in copy cat ideas"


Sustaining A Startup: Tackling initial fund raising challenges

Raising funds from external investors is not only the costliest form of fundraising, it is also one of the most time consuming.


Seed Capital For Your Startup: A Primer On How Much You Should Raise

Just like an acorn needs the right weather conditions, an entrepreneur needs the right funding, support, (and in my view) network to help it grow.


How US-based AppAlert Lures Seed Capital For Facilitating Indian Parents

Innovation bags seed capital for AppAlert to whereabouts school bus en-route.


10 Essentials for a Persuasive Seed-Round Investor Deck

No deck is perfect but the good ones all succinctly tell investors what they need to know to make a decision.


What the Founders of Job Platform WayUp Learned About Venture Funding

Having just raised $7.8 million in a Series A round, founder Liz Wessel shares what she learned from the experience.


Hometown Glory: Get Startup Grants and Seed Investments From Your City

Think globally, but get your financial start locally.


BentoBox, a Startup That Helps Restaurants Build Better Websites, Raises $1.2 Million

Clients include Danny Meyer's Hospitality Group, as well as New York City hotspots The Spotted Pig and The Breslin.


SCUBA Diving and Seed Money are More Connected Than You Think

An expert explains the pitfalls that come after securing funding.